tooth gem appointment PREP

  • Please brush and floss your teeth prior to your appt.

  • You won’t be able to eat for a few hours after the gem is applied, so be sure to eat beforehand.

  • Reschedule if you are feeling sick.

  • Please just bring yourself, no guests.

  • Make sure you are financially prepared. I will accept cash, Venmo, PayPal or card. Feel free to email me if you have any questions about pricing!


  • What are tooth gems?
    Tooth gems are tiny jewels that are bonded to the enamel surface of your teeth. These jewels include: led free crystal gems, diamonds and gold charms.

  • Does the application procedure hurt?
    Not at all! The procedure is safe and easy, no drilling is required. Dental grade etch and adhesive is used to bond the gems to the teeth, followed by an LED light to cure the bond. The process is very similar to attaching traditional braces.

  • How long does the application take?
    The application of the gem is simple. It usually takes 10-15 minutes.

  • Will the tooth gem harm my tooth?
    When correctly placed on a natural tooth, the gem will not harm or damage the tooth -this also depends on the oral care at home. Properly brushing around the gem and flossing is vital to avoid any risk of plaque buildup or trapping food particles. Feel free to contact your dental professional if you have any concerns before the procedure.

  • How long will the gem stay on my tooth?
    A tooth gem applied on a natural tooth should stay on for at least 4 months. Some may last years. This depends on your oral care at home or until you decide to have it removed by your dental professional.

  • Can I have my teeth cleaned/whitened by a professional?
    Yes. You can still have your regular teeth cleaning by a dental professional, it will not cause any issues.

  • Will the gem be uncomfortable?
    Not at all. Swarovski crystals are small in diameter. Initially after application your tooth/lips will feel different, but within a couple of days you’ll be used to your gems.

  • What if I swallow my tooth gem?
    There is no harm in swallowing your gem. It is lead free and will simply come out the natural way.

  • What do I do if my tooth gem falls off?
    Feel your tooth with your tongue or finger. If it feels smooth like your other teeth, the gem can be replaced! If it feels textured then there is still dental composite on the tooth and you need to get it buffed out and polished by a dental professional. Never try to do this yourself to avoid damaging enamel. If your gem falls off within the first week, I will replace it for half the original price.

  • Can I wear a tooth gem if I have a retainer?
    It is not recommended, but if you do wear a retainer I encourage you to bring it in to make sure the gem won’t interfere with it.

  • Can I get a tooth gem on false, crowned or capped teeth?
    Unfortunately no, the glue will not adhere to false teeth.


  • Deposits are non-refundable and do not carry over if you do not reschedule within a week of your appointment.

  • If you are running late let me know, but if you are more than 15 minutes late, the appointment will most likely be canceled.

  • If you are more than 15 minutes late without communication you will be marked as a no-call no-show.

  • If you no-call no-show, I won't provide services for you in the future and I will still keep your deposit.

  • I would like to avoid hard feelings so please communicate with me and try to arrive on time/consider going to the ATM the day before if you’re planning on paying with cash.